Tuesday, December 9, 2014

New he-men from epay...

Moss man (I got the soft and hard head versions in a two for one sale.)
And Dragstor minus his rip chord, but I may have it in my he man stash.
I still have more to go on this collection, but I am not in a big hurry to get them all.
Just one of the things that keep me amused for now.
Masters of the universe was past my generation but my cousins had them and I worked on
This kind of character art for years. I dig moss man but isn't he another version of beast man?
I think my fave is Grizzlor so far. Again I don't know all of them yet and sometimes I watched the
Cartoon after school, but they put me to sleep sometimes and I dont remember most of them,
But I have time to learn.