Thursday, June 4, 2015

Oh Yeeeeeeeah!

I never watched much wrasslin but these were the dudes that were the kings when I did. These are the guys I liked, Jyd, hogan, Andre, macho man.... I got a jimmy Snuka figure with this lot too. I would like a Freddie blassie to add to this bunch. I'm not sure they made one of him or of captain Lou but they were big then too. I got this bunch on eBay and once I cleaned the muck off of them they look pretty clean and in good condition. Wrasslin was never really my thing, but I love toys and these guys are part of action figure history so I am glad to have them. I am kind of getting into toys I did not necessarily grow up with lately and these are pretty fun. I also got some Star Trek next generation figures on the way... I never really watched the show that much, but recently I got into it and I really kind of like it. It mellows me out a bit, and I found the whole crew online for pretty cheap. I will post photos of them when I get them too. I met Will Wheaton when he was doing that show at a party back then. I want kind of drunk and I may or may not have been the guy who started the Wwhhill wwhheaton thing. (They do it on family guy...) maybe my buddy who threw the party started it. We were talking about my my mom's annunciation of. Certain words like "ruined" (she has a certain way of pronouncing it. 
Anyway, Wheaton hung out for a bit and it was a fun party. He's a very nice guy with a great sense of yoomer.
That is all for now toy fans. See you at the racks!