Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mondo Obsesso... Me too much toys.

I have been letting my o.c.d. go again on toys lately. When I need retail therapy toys are often the most fun. I look for them at flea markets, on line, and some times toy or comic book shops. I am pretty picky  these days because I don't have the money and I don't have the shelf space. That means if I want new toys I have to purge a bit of my collection now and then. I put some art books up for sale this week and have cleared a bit of space, but I have to make a bit more room still for future things. I am still building my business too which takes money as well. As you can see my studio is overflowing now. I am also posting some vinyl banks from flea market treasure hunts (which I go to mostly for the walking and talking). If it's not toys its guitars (too much money right now) or art books (purging has begun on those). I hope to venture back to toy "making" instead of buying soon. Which is all being researched now (which has been my excuse for toy collecting again lately). I don't drink anymore or smoke or go to movies... So this is what I do sometimes to keep me together. It's only things... But sometimes they make me smile.