Saturday, July 9, 2016

Suki? Melissa Mc Carthy action figure!

Finally we get a Suki action figure... Well, kind of. This is Abby Yates from the soon to be released Ghostbusters 2016 movie.
My wife and I are Gilmore Girls fans and we are happy to get this Melissa Mc Carthy figure even though the likeness is not that close it is fun to have. As you can see I brought her to work. Suki!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Emperor's Wrath Darth Vader

Just got this guy and posed him for this post. Then I knocked him over and lost his saber in the couch. Figures... As you can see you can see his skull under the light. Also has a detachable hand. He is a Walgreens exclusive. I tried hunting him down locally and found him eventually on line. After all that, lost his light saber. Dang dark side...

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Eat yer spinach!

Had to get it. Swamp Thing Sofubi. Like going to Japan on vacation and getting something awesome. This guy is huge. Says 10 inches but with the box more like 14. Looks like he popped right out of Popeyes spinach can. I don't see any tubers growing on him but they may be sculpted on his back. I might have to free him from the package. He was very pricey when he first came out but good thing I waited because I saved about 50 bucks or more on him. Limited to 300 only a go Hastings exclusive. I dig him in the comics and really wanted this big guy for my studio. Makes me nostalgic for the old swamp thing movies too. Somewhere I have some old swamp thing figures and one glows in the dark. The packaging is a groovy throwback to the old mego figs but swamp thing was rumored to have been in production back then but never got made. Why don't these retro toy companies make new Megos on guys that did not see production? I really dig this guy. Maybe someday we will get a cloth 8 inch version of him but for now I am very stoked.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Blueline Jim Lee Batman!

I had the chance to meet Jim Lee long ago at Comic Con. He was just becoming well known. He has so much love for the art of comics. He was on AMC's comic book men this week to my surprise (I had just ordered this figure and was waiting by my mail box all week long) He told his story of how he worked out getting into physical shape to become the artist he is today. He explained how big an influence Frank Miller was for him and what is was like to work with one of your idols. He changed the whole look of modern comics and remains a down to earth guy still loving what he does. I hope to get this one signed eventually. Outstanding action figure. I waited a bit for this one and got it about half price. love it.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Stay Coooolll....

Got a new chrome vac metal mister freeze and a masters of the universe snake face from epay today. Perfect in time for the cold weather. Always wanted this arnie figure and snake face is one of the best motu figures.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Oh Yeeeeeeeah!

I never watched much wrasslin but these were the dudes that were the kings when I did. These are the guys I liked, Jyd, hogan, Andre, macho man.... I got a jimmy Snuka figure with this lot too. I would like a Freddie blassie to add to this bunch. I'm not sure they made one of him or of captain Lou but they were big then too. I got this bunch on eBay and once I cleaned the muck off of them they look pretty clean and in good condition. Wrasslin was never really my thing, but I love toys and these guys are part of action figure history so I am glad to have them. I am kind of getting into toys I did not necessarily grow up with lately and these are pretty fun. I also got some Star Trek next generation figures on the way... I never really watched the show that much, but recently I got into it and I really kind of like it. It mellows me out a bit, and I found the whole crew online for pretty cheap. I will post photos of them when I get them too. I met Will Wheaton when he was doing that show at a party back then. I want kind of drunk and I may or may not have been the guy who started the Wwhhill wwhheaton thing. (They do it on family guy...) maybe my buddy who threw the party started it. We were talking about my my mom's annunciation of. Certain words like "ruined" (she has a certain way of pronouncing it. 
Anyway, Wheaton hung out for a bit and it was a fun party. He's a very nice guy with a great sense of yoomer.
That is all for now toy fans. See you at the racks!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dreaming of Japan

I may never get to Japan to toy shop but these Hikari figures get me pretty close. They also make Sofubi figures, but they cost a bit more. I do like the Ghostrider sofubi figures and I may get that one soon. This is the Stay Puft man in sparklely Ice version limited to 1500 but I really chose this one not for rarity but because I love the silver translucent glitter paint. They also made a rainbow pastel version even a burnt toasted version. He's a bit bigger than most of the hikari figures. Even his box is bigger which is probably why he cost about ten bucks more than the other hikari but I waited for the price to go down before I popped on this one. I have a few of these now and they take up room so this will be my last one until they release ironman (I have seen him on the online and he looks cool) I am try to stay away from schizznee products so I may not get him at all. No more Star Wars toys if I can help it either. I just don't like the monopoly of it, but hey, it's all bad plastic from China so I'm only fooling myself. I have not seen ultron yet and the new Star Wars trailer looked like a yawner. Mad Max could be good. I wonder if that will have toys to go with it? I have done searches for the Toy Hunter show and I think it may not come back. I am guessing that Comic book men will be back on after Walking Dead, but who knows... Kevin smith is said to be working on Mallrats 2 to be called Mallbrats. The reason he is not making clerks 3 first is the mall for Mallrats is on the demo list. Happy hunting!